
Email marketing is more than just a way to reach your customers.

It’s an opportunity to build long-lasting relationships with them and learn exactly how they want to communicate with you. Through carefully crafted campaigns, we’ll help you craft the right message for each individual. We’ll also provide the nurturing and monitoring that makes the strategy work, ensuring that your customers and prospects don’t get lost in the inbox.

The key to successful email marketing is understanding your audience’s needs.

Working by your side, our role as your Email Marketing agency is to utilise your existing customer data to create bespoke nurturing sequences. This enables us to pinpoint exactly what each customer’s position is on their decision-tree. Whether they need more time to research or are itching to convert, together we’ll create a journey which develops interest and converts them into valuable customers for both you and us.

Seaweed Agogo screenshot from an email marketing campaign
email marketing campaign examples shown on mobile devices

At S4, we’re specialists in email marketing campaigns across all sectors, from B2B to B2C.

By working alongside our designers and copywriters, we can ensure your audience are exposed to the best communication possible at every touchpoint. This can be through promotional emails heralding a sale or special event, newsletters updating customers on latest offers or developments in your industry. We know how important email is to conversion rates and we have worked tirelessly with some of the UK’s biggest brands to make sure we have mastered this skill through conversion analysis and testing.

Want to revitalise your email marketing? we're here to help.

Give us a call on +44(0)1472 348 400, email design@sourcefour.co.uk or fill in this form and we’ll be in touch shortly!

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